Our Services

At Doula Mae, we're here to help you understand birth, make informed choices, and plan for a positive experience.

Ask a doula about birth, pregnancy, postpartum

Private Coaching Calls

Regardless of where you’re at in your journey, I invite you to come “pick my brain” about all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

The session is held via Zoom and runs 45 minutes in length with a detailed follow-up email.

Birth Doula Support for mom and dad

Birth Support

Explore my virtual and in-person birth support options to find the best fit for a confident labor experience for you and your partner.

Our packages can be customized to fit your needs.

Placenta Encapsulation

An all-natural postnatal vitamin — from consuming it in a capsule, or a tincture, or making it a keepsake the benefits can make a world of difference in your postpartum recovery. My package includes pick-up and delivery, capsules, and add-on options.

Our packages can be customized to fit your needs.

Childbirth Education

My childbirth and breastfeeding education has been carefully crafted to help you navigate the important stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and early postpartum. The self-guided online classes I offer will be accessible to you for 12 months and include downloadable resources.

Expected due date of May 2024

Believe in your body's ability to give birth.